Monday, November 10, 2008

Use of Shelfari for global cooperation in the classroom

I would use in conjunction with as a way to collaborate with teachers on finding trade books & novels that demonstrate efforts to promote tolerance & unity. With shelfari membership, teachers can present their library of titles and works that they believe would be appropriate for this classroom topic. Members such as myself can test them out in my classroom and provide feedback through video blogs or we could have virtual classrooms with discussions surrounding the perspectives presented. One story of interest would be "Green Eggs & Ham" by Dr. Suess. Although commonly dismissed as a children's book, I believe that its' constant conflict can represent more contemporary problems of the present such as racism, war, sexism and poverty. Once something new was given a chance, joy and peace was found by all. I believe that by collaborating around the globe through shelfari and iearn, teachers can use technology and literacy to educate students on tolerance in the world.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cool Survey site!

I just found a great site to make quizzes and surveys for education, job hunting or just for fun. Take my quiz and sign up for your own account. It's free and it's fun!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Interesting Technolgy feed I found: Gas Mileage Rises In 2008 Vehicles

Hey, what's all this talk about gas mileage and fuel efficient cars? Click on this link to find out what all the fuss is about:

Let's face it, we're all feeling the pinch since gas prices are just below $4. While the oil companies and the politicians have promised prices won't go back up, when will they go down? Since no one can make the promise to lower the prices, auto manufacturers are now making fuel efficient smaller vehicles for 2008. That's right, vehicles that can stretch as much as 30 miles per gallon. Terrfic, fabulous, right? Well, after viewing this feed, I'm not so sure. Like several other commentators, I think that car manufacturers could have done this years ago. It seems like the automotive industry will make these innovative designs based on profit versus concern for the consumer. I understand the car dealer is out to make money but no one should have to spend $25,000 for a "fuel efficient" vehicle. If so, there had better be some bedrooms, a garage and a driveway with it if you catch my drift. Read for yourself and you make the call.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A useful site for Social Networking

Hey, there's this new name for one of the oldest things in society-Social Networking!!!! Social Networking starts from the minute we are shipped off to daycare or school. It's how we use our existing relationships to form new ones with others.

One useful social networking site is or LinkedIn. People who visit a person’s page can visualize how people know each other through visible friends and subscription pages. For a professor, they could use this site for job seeking or recommendations for staffing. Also, professors could find out more about their student’s interests or circles which would help them in designing engaging lectures or discussions. Like MySpace and face book, this site also allows for interaction between individuals and can lead to advancement opportunities. People from all parts of the world can view your page and develop an interest in what you do.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ways that my blog can be used in my classroom

1) I can use this blog to introduce students to lessons (a format showing how things will run, objectives) so they will understand the actual purpose of class instruction.

2) My blog will provide a direct communication tool between me & the students if they have questions outside of class that they may not have the time to pose or they may feel less intimidated.

3) My blog can also provide students with links to issues & connections outside of the community. I have several links that relate to Buffalo, fashion, music and areas of my own personal interests. As I encounter new students, I will find other links that may be interesting to them.

4) As through my own particular blog,multiliteracies can be incorporated as teaching tools for students. I posted 4 digital videos that feature different aspects of expression and can be used for education. Whether it's poetry, an introduction video, a commercial or narrative, the combination of audio and visual expression helps to reach a generation that was birthed in the computer age.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leson plan using digital video

Here are 2 lesson plans that I designed relating to my digital video "One Face of Autism". This video would be used to introduce students to the ideas of barriers to equality in American Society. I would include these lessons in a larger unit on Civil Rights. For the unit, students would create their own inquiry DV's to investigate a particular barrier to equality in The Civil Rights Era. The Videos would be used in class to teach the material and for discussion. The videos would be graded and students would be assigned a take home assessment based on all the videos they saw. Feel free to leave feedback or suggestions.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cool Videos I Put Together

These are videos that I composed during a 6 week course on integrating Digital Videos into classroom learning. I interpretted a poem by The Great Robert Frost, I told a short story about one of my fabulous classmates, I toured my neighborhood and included my family.

These videos weren't a picnic to make but they were worth the effort. Please enjoy them and feel free to leave feedback. Hopefully, you will be provided with a glimpse of who I am.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome to My World!!!

My name is Ms. Jackson and I am Certified Social Studies Teacher for gr 7-12. I am currently pursuing a Master's Degree for Social Studies Education as well as a major in African American Studies. In my spare time, I'm raising a family of 3 boys, studying for school and planning to ruin your lives!!!! Just kidding!!! I like to watch loads of television, movies and listen to music. Good Music.

For the upcoming school year, you will partake in a few of my favorite pastimes. My goal is to help you make connections between yourselves and the world around you through the glamorous world of Social Studies. You won't just be learning History. You'll be sharing Yourstory as well as learning the stories of others.

Please check this site for any updates or class related info. I look forward to working together with you this year.

Lesson Plan for Digital Video

Jacqueline Jackson
Lesson Plan for Digital Video in the classroom

Unit Title: Barriers to equality in American Society (Civil Rights Era to the present)

Day 1 Introduction to barriers from the present and the past
Days 2& 3 Tutorial and practice with Digital Video

Rationale: Throughout history, there have been a number of barriers to equality in American society such as racism, sexism, age discrimination and intolerance. People with disabilities, including Autism, have also faced barriers as well. The first lesson will serve as an introduction to barriers in American Society through comparison and discussion of how they have changed over time. To help students present & investigate barriers from a historical perspective, students will also compose a short (5 min) digital video relating to a specific barrier (This would be assigned after the Tutorial Days). The entire unit will focus on barriers during The Civil Rights Era and would last 2 ½ weeks. Students would need 1 Full week for accessing a Digital Camera, filming their footage and final editing. The completed videos will be shown in class and incorporated into instruction.

Duration of the Lesson 120 Minutes (Two Days)

Subject American History

Grade Level 8th & 11th: (Both of these curriculums include a section on
the Civil Rights Movement).

Objectives Students will be able to define key terms: Autism, Discrimination, Racism, Sexism and Intolerance.

Students will be able to analyze & compare their own perspectives of key terms.

Students will be able to utilize digital video to articulate their perspectives of an important issue.

Assessment Students will complete Inquiry worksheet on Autism

Students will compose a 5 min Digital Video relating to a specific barrier from the Civil Rights Era

Materials 1 digital video “One Face of Autism”
1 Inquiry worksheet to follow the video
1 Worksheet for students to define key terms
1 Introduction sheet & assignment with Digital Video

Anticipatory Set: 1) Introduce Inquiry sheet and discuss what students know about barriers in American Society (Listing will be created in class)
2) Watch “One Face of Autism”
Lecture: 3) After viewing the video, ask students to share their comments on what they may have learned as well as the Perspectives presented in the video.
4) Define barrier with students and initiate discussion of Autism related to barriers that students identified. This will allow students to compare and contrast commonalities among issues (Racism, Sexism, Age Discrimination and Intolerance will be the primary focus but other areas that students mention will be discussed as well).
5) Describe Inquiry Investigation: How did the existence of these barriers impact people during The Civil Rights Era?
From the class list, ask students which barriers existed 50 years ago?
Students will be provided with their assignment of composing a digital video related to one barrier from The Civil Rights Era.
Activity: 6) Class will discuss “One face of Autism” and then work in small groups to define key terms. There will be 5 key terms and with group work, all should be completed during that class.

Closure: 7) Review of the key terms: Autism, Barrier, Sexism,
Discrimination and Intolerance.

Homework Assignment: Students will visit this website for composing an “I Movie”:
Students will also visit to comment on a posted digital video.

A Tour Through Buffalo, NY

Getting to Know Carolyn

The Road Not Taken

One Face of Autism

Who's the Best Male Rapper?

About Me

I'm a Lucky Libra Liberal Living Life! I can't help it, I love alliteration!